Rio sailing venue 'a sewer': Briton - "...Rio's Olympic organising committee has promised the pollution will be cleaned up when the Olympics open and the government has pledged to reduce 80% of the pollution flowing into the bay. But the sailors doubt the problem can be fixed after festering for decades, and many worry about their health. Environmentalists say measures being taken are a "stopgap" likely to mask the problem, not cure it. Over the last several weeks nearly 70% of Rio's waste goes untreated into surrounding waters, according to figures compiled by The Associated Press news agency. Famous beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema are dirty and untreated sewage pours into a lagoon bordering the Olympic Park, the heart of the games. Norregaard said that while sailing the last few days he saw entire trees floating in the bay, doors, chunks of timber with nails protruding, swollen mattresses and endless plastic bags. Another sailor talked about a horse carcass in the 148-square-mile bay, which opens into the Atlantic just above Rio's famed Copacabana beach. The Dane said the floating debris made racing unfair and dangerous. The other issue is the health risk with high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in the water..."
And this is where they are holding the Olympics' sailing events?
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